The future of

Automated vehicle conversion kits will MAKE ALL VEHICLES SELF DRIVING & save 1.35 million human lives from brutal painful preventable death PER year. Sorry to say but it’s reality this moment! It is so tragic but true & we can change it. please save lives & share EGOD.TECH  a.v.c.k.



Automation Innovation Implementation

The introduction of the AVCK (Automated Vehicle Conversion Kit), or as I’ll refer to it, the Collision Prevention System (CPS), marks a revolutionary step in automotive safety and technology integration. Here’s why it’s groundbreaking:

Life-Saving Potential: By integrating CPS into existing vehicles, Tesla could prevent up to 1.35 million deaths annually from road accidents. This system not only aims to eliminate collisions but also significantly reduces permanent impairments, showcasing its profound impact on public health and safety.

Economic Impact: 

With an estimated global vehicle registration of 1.45 billion, if even a fraction 1/10 of these vehicles adopt FDS subscription at a modest subscription rate, Tesla could see an additional revenue stream of $174 billion per year. This figure underscores the financial viability of CPS, positioning Tesla not just as a car manufacturer but as a leader in automotive software solutions.

Technological Integration: 

The CPS kit transforms any vehicle into a potential subscriber to Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) capabilities. By interfacing with the vehicle’s brakes, throttle, and steering, and integrating Tesla’s FSD computer and camera systems, CPS allows for seamless automation. This not only democratizes access to advanced driving technology but also introduces ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle owners to the benefits of electric and autonomous driving.

Market Expansion: 

CPS opens up Tesla’s most lucrative market yet – software. By enabling existing vehicles to tap into FSD, Tesla taps into a market where software revenue could dwarf hardware sales, aligning with trends where software services become the primary revenue generator.

Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: 

Beyond technology, CPS addresses a fundamental human purpose – to save lives. By automating road safety, Tesla’s initiative could be seen as fulfilling a higher ethical duty, reducing human suffering, and enhancing quality of life on a global scale.

Legal and Adoption Prospects: 

Given its life-saving potential, CPS could become legally mandated, much like seat belts or airbags, further ensuring widespread adoption and reinforcing Tesla’s leadership in automotive safety.


Automated Instantaneous Battery Charge

Electric vehicles can go from empty to full in 2 seconds, literally! The innovation of having empty cells removed & replaced fully charged in seconds giving all electric vehicles virtually limitless miles. AIBC = Empty to Full Faster, Cheaper & Easier than gas # TESLA Gotta love AI 😉


Make all of our current dinosaur vehicles self-driving with vehicle conversion kits SAVING 1.35 MILLION HUMAN LIVES PER YEAR. There are over 1.4 billion vehicles globally, at an average of $1 per vehicle per day it will generate 5 TRILLION DOLLARS per decade.


One touch to get any of your favorite meals prepared contaminant free, perfectly in literally less than 10 seconds. A multi trillion dollar industry globally automating faster than fast food.


Bring in every violent robbery and theft to an immediate and permanent end making mankind safer & our money more secure than ever before with electronic biometric currency AKA "PrintPay"


A smoke detector and much more that is a deployable drone to respond to public problems in nanoseconds semi-autonomously. FBI Standby public protection drones will prevent the majority of public tragedies that occur and in the long run for ever end their repeating cycle by proving the inevitability of being brought to justice in a land of American made technology, EGOD TECHNOLOGY

AIBC WILL INSURE successful go green global goals

AIBC opens the way for a centralized global automated transportation system which is the gateway to utilizing geothermal electric energy making it so that there is not a solar panel shortage as all vehicles become electric. Thanks to IPS technology, oil will sell more than ever before but be utilized in a completely economically friendly and sustainable manner. AI (Authentic Intelligence) may be the answer to everything and AIBC is evidence 😉

automated transportation will help unite countries & create global safety & peaCE

AVCK opens the way for a centralized global automated transportation system which is the gateway to utilizing geothermal electric energy making it so that there is not a solar panel shortage as all vehicles become electric. Thanks to IPS technology oil will sell more than ever before but be utilized in a completely economically friendly and sustainable manner.


From Solar-Electric windmills, electromagnetic pneumatic propulsion to launch satellites into orbit, multiplanetary space shipping using weightless Laser Light propulsion energy & utilize geothermal electric energy, EGOD Technology corporation has plans to make all SpaceX goals our reality. The EGOD goal is to eternally reward & reciprocate the love & loyalty Elon has for humanity & our specie's survival.



step by step


AIBC = Automated Instantaneous Battery Charge

AIBC electric vehicles will go from empty to full in literally 2 seconds.  AIBC is simply a technology that will remove the empty battery cell and replace it with a fully charged one within a couple of seconds making an electric vehicle go from empty to full in literally seconds & ensure solar energy was used for the transportation.   AIBC will enhance the efficiency of every electric vehicle making transportation more affordable and profitable for everyone in the industry. AIBC also conserves resources and greatly increases the feasibility of fully solar electric roads globally. AIBC will be used by all car makers & will allow a lot of small businesses to survive and thrive. AIBC ensures all transportation energy is solar electric harvested and instantly implemented. AIBC will create a multi trillion-dollar global transportation market allowing transportation energy to forever be one of the most lucrative commodities and also carbon friendly solar! 


AVCK = Automated Vehicle Conversion Kits

A simple vehicle conversion kit can be created to make all of our current dinosaur vehicles self-driving. AVCK Is the simple innovation of attaching sensors and control units to the steering column, brakes, and throttle to make all vehicle self-driving. It will save roughly 4000 innocent human lives per day from painful preventable death! Automated vehicle conversion kits improve every part of the economy and make government roads safer and more profitable than ever before. It saves each government billions of dollars annually and saves millions of lives globally. It is extremely practical to make conversion kits and it is a literal fact that millions of lives depend on it happening, so we are making it happen.


Globally Centralized System Saving 1.35 Million Lives Per Year!

The United States self-driving vehicle conversion kit platform can be utilized with other countries to create a common ground for a civilized globe unlike the current nightmare we are seeing. This self-driving road system makes every part of the economy stronger and the government more effective and lucrative. I know it sounds stereotypical but if no one cares about the world bad things happen to it and we are on the forefront of ensuring the Earth’s happily ever after is made now and a virtual heaven on Earth thanks to automated technology saving millions, helping billions & making trillions!

Anything a human can do a machine can do better!

it'll do it without error
& IT'LL do it FOR FREE! #power

Automated technology is like having trillions of talented human hands willing to work for free & best of all there is no human error or contamination, I've also noticed they dont complain as much lol. We have an unlimited work force ready to serve the world thanks to the genius mind of Elon Musk's virtual superpower.

help mankind evolve at the same time!
egod technology




ELECTRONIC  efficacy efficiency  enhancement  Evolution 

evolving & enhancing electronic efficacy & efficiency endlessly